International Sex Workers Rights Day

We hope you didn’t miss it was International Sex Workers Rights Day March the 3rd.
We are not asking for respect, we demand it
Happy international Sx Worker’s Rights Day to our colleagues all around the globe. To everyone else, listen to us because only rights can fix the wrongs
Podcast recommendation

The Oldest Profession Podcast reminds listeners that sex workers have always been part of history. Some episodes highlight historical figures, placing them in their time and connecting their stories to the ongoing fight for sex worker rights, while others focus specifically on that struggle.
Bookshop recommendation

If you’re visiting London, we highly recommend taking the time to visit this bookstore. It’s an independent, non-profit community interest company committed to amplifying marginalized voices, including those of sex workers.
Upcoming book club

Our members are current or former sex workers who run a thriving community where sex workers can get peer-support, take part in meet-ups and workshops, and organize together for out rights!
Now we are planning to start up our book club again, to be able to review books, preferably about sex work. If you have any good books for us to read, feel free to recommend them here.
Research launch
We are excited to finally launch the research we’ve been working on for a long time. This study examines the policing of sex workers across various countries. The findings reveal that stigma, psychological blackmail, threats, and doxxing are significantly higher in countries that implement the Nordic Model, such as Sweden. While Sweden promotes this law internationally, the results show that it not only endangers sex workers but also makes accessing help more difficult. The very systems meant to support us instead become sources of fear. And you find the full report and the policy brief HERE.
Hear the researcher talk
See ESWA's launch of the research at the EU Parliament and listen to the
researcher's words about what sex workers are exposed to because of the Nordic Model.
ETUI case studie

RUS participated in ETUI's case study on sex workers' rights and trade unionism in Europe.
We also attended and talked about our experiences at their conference with the theme.
You can read the study here:
Research launch coming soon

Red Umbrella Sweden, alongside other sex worker rights organisations was part of a research project about policing and the harrowing report is coming out soon. You find the policy brief here:
Congratulations Belgium
Only rights can stop the wrongs and we applaud what sex workers and allies in Belgium has accomplished with decriminalisation!
These legal changes should set a precedent for law makers all around the world who also need to start listening to us sex workers!
You can read about it here:
BBC Youtube:
New York Times:
SVT Nyheter:
Support us!

Red Umbrella Sweden is entirely run by volunteers! Due to a lack of funding & unsuccessful grant applications, we are currently operating with extremely limited finances & have zero paid staff.