
Research launch

We are excited to finally launch the research we’ve been working on for a long time. This study examines the policing of sex workers across various countries. The findings reveal that stigma, psychological blackmail, threats, and doxxing are significantly higher in countries that implement the Nordic Model, such as Sweden. While Sweden promotes this law internationally, the results show that it not only endangers sex workers but also makes accessing help more difficult. The very systems meant to support us instead become sources of fear. And you find the full report and the policy brief HERE. 

Congratulations Belgium

Only rights can stop the wrongs and we applaud what sex workers and allies in Belgium has accomplished with decriminalisation!
These legal changes should set a precedent for law makers all around the world who also need to start listening to us sex workers!
You can read about it here:
BBC Youtube:
New York Times:
SVT Nyheter: